HSGO Grant 2020
- The HSGO wishes to stimulate scientific research work and communication in the field of gastrointestinal oncology. For this purpose, in 2020 the HSGO will award a grant to one scientific project dealing with epidemiology, basic or translational research, clinical research, or registry in digestive oncology.
- The HSGO Grant 2020 will be awarded to a researcher or a team of researchers in the field of GI oncology proposing an original research project that will be conducted in an outstanding manner in Greece and may have a significant impact on our knowledge and/or management of gastrointestinal cancers.
- At least one of the researchers per team should be a member of the HSGO.
- The project should be realistically achievable and completed within two years.
- The winner will be granted the amount of EUR 2,500 to cover the research work.
All projects will be evaluated by a jury who will select one project according to the scope of the HSGO Grant.
- The jury will be composed of the HSGO board representatives and international oncology experts.
- Each project should be sent before 31 December 2019.
- The Grant winner will be announced during the HSGO meeting in the presence of jury members, followed by a presentation of the subject.